HBO Asia Commissioned These Game Of Thrones Sculptors And A True GOT Fan Needs To Have Them

Visual Art By Hannah / February, 09, 2025

Salavat Fidai, a Russian artist and sculptor, use an ordinary craft knife for creating his masterpieces. A magnifying glass, and a microscope were additional tools that were used to add tiny details to 16 pencils. The whole project of Game Of Thrones was commissioned by HBO Asia.


The Iron Throne, sigils from House Stark, House Targaryen, House Greyjoy, House Baratheon and House Lannister, the Hand Of The King pin, Cersei’s new crown, Drogon the dragon, the Three Eyed Raven, the Night’s King, a White Walker, the Titan of Braavos, the Weirwood tree,


and two swords – Brienne of Tarth’s Oathkeeper and Jon Snow’s Long Claw were the sixteen sculptors that were part of the art displayed on tips of fragile graphite pencils.


Salavat said, “I think the most elaborate piece from the Game of Thrones exhibition, it was the Iron Throne. It took me three tries and three weeks to create the final piece. The Titan of Braavos sculpture was also a tough one as there were a lot of fragile and intricate details in that piece.”


The world renowned artist and a leading expert in the field of miniature sculptures created these pieces of art with a diameter between 2mm and 5mm.

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