Aleia Murawski And Sam Copeland’s Miniature World Turned Into Snail Paradise
Visual Art
By Taylor /
February, 09, 2025
Art is complete in its sense. But when artistic souls show up to connect its charm with real-life gems, the magnificence of the art world exceeds its bounds! The fusion yields new shades to the perceptions of the world. Adding to the list of these artistic treats, artists named Aleia Murawski and Sam Copeland presented a human-world of little creatures- snails.
The duo was up to put its artistic skills together to present an-all new world. After pouring over various alternatives, the Illinois based artists ended up picking the theme of a miniature world. Aleia and Sam decided to put in the shades of the real-world in their project. So after working out the roadmap of their project, the artists embarked for the project.
The duo went around collecting the bits and part that they considered good to go for their miniature world. The plastic materials came on their list to make furniture. The wooden elements also made their way to form the cornerstone of the world. Finally, after enduring hard for days, the artistic souls came up with a vibrant miniature world.
But they did not cherish the punch of satiation. They found their miniature incomplete as there were no inhabitants. After all, the size of their creation was not enough to let the human souls thrive in that domain. But it was not that small for the slowest creature. Yes, you guessed it right! The lethargic soul was the hard-shelled snail.
Grabbing that fact, the artists decided to let their creation don the crown of snail kingdom. They ended up adding the tiny creatures to their art piece. And then, the juggernaut of snail fun started to hurtle down the laughter streets. They began to capture the fun-moments of the snail community in casino, disco, restaurants, etc. To let the magic of laughter grip the world of humans, they shared various funny videos and pictures on the social media platform.
One could see the group of jolly snails enjoying their time in disco light. Not just that, the hard-shelled creatures cherished their shots in the bowling court.
Taking on the intricacy of their work, Murawski shared, “It is a really fun challenge for us to come up with these scenes and to find different ways to execute it so it feels believable and lived in, despite its fabrication”. Adding to that, the artist said, “(The process) is very rooted in play and experimentation. We are always looking for new ways to construct different elements in a scene and trying varied techniques to create depth and motion in our work”.
Is your soul carving for more glimpse of happy-go-lucky life of the snails? To your delight, you can make way to their Instagram page. You can also look up to their social media pages where you can strike gold with the purchase of their art piece.
Finally, the human mind is freeing up some space for the comfort of the other creatures. Hopefully, the art world would shine in holistic garbs to welcome each element of life on Mother Earth.
The post Aleia Murawski And Sam Copeland’s Miniature World Turned Into Snail Paradise appeared first on The Artistic Trap.
The duo went around collecting the bits and part that they considered good to go for their miniature world. The plastic materials came on their list to make furniture. The wooden elements also made their way to form the cornerstone of the world. Finally, after enduring hard for days, the artistic souls came up with a vibrant miniature world.
But they did not cherish the punch of satiation. They found their miniature incomplete as there were no inhabitants. After all, the size of their creation was not enough to let the human souls thrive in that domain. But it was not that small for the slowest creature. Yes, you guessed it right! The lethargic soul was the hard-shelled snail.
Grabbing that fact, the artists decided to let their creation don the crown of snail kingdom. They ended up adding the tiny creatures to their art piece. And then, the juggernaut of snail fun started to hurtle down the laughter streets. They began to capture the fun-moments of the snail community in casino, disco, restaurants, etc. To let the magic of laughter grip the world of humans, they shared various funny videos and pictures on the social media platform.
One could see the group of jolly snails enjoying their time in disco light. Not just that, the hard-shelled creatures cherished their shots in the bowling court.
Taking on the intricacy of their work, Murawski shared, “It is a really fun challenge for us to come up with these scenes and to find different ways to execute it so it feels believable and lived in, despite its fabrication”. Adding to that, the artist said, “(The process) is very rooted in play and experimentation. We are always looking for new ways to construct different elements in a scene and trying varied techniques to create depth and motion in our work”.
Is your soul carving for more glimpse of happy-go-lucky life of the snails? To your delight, you can make way to their Instagram page. You can also look up to their social media pages where you can strike gold with the purchase of their art piece.
Finally, the human mind is freeing up some space for the comfort of the other creatures. Hopefully, the art world would shine in holistic garbs to welcome each element of life on Mother Earth.
The post Aleia Murawski And Sam Copeland’s Miniature World Turned Into Snail Paradise appeared first on The Artistic Trap.
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