Italy's Fight Against Cultural Vandalism: Hefty Fines Imposed

Italy Cracks Down on Cultural Vandalism with Hefty Fines: Protecting the Nation's Historic Treasures

Inspiration By Alexandra / March, 12, 2025

Vandals who damage Italy's historic and cultural sites and monuments may soon find their actions come with a high price tag as new legislation proposes them facing fines of up to $66000. Rome's Council of Ministers recently approved a bill that would impose fines ranging from $11000 to $66000 for damage to Italy's cultural heritage. Defendant could also face criminal charges under the proposed law.

The bill – proposed by Gennaro Sangiuliano the country’s recently-appointed Minister of Culture – has been formulated in response to Italy's alarming high-profile acts of vandalism which have occurred in recent times including many caused by eco-activists. This bill has been proposed within a few weeks after members of the eco-activist group Ultima Generazione dyed the water in Rome’s Barcaccia fountain black as a signal against the government’s backing of fossil fuels.

Defacing the 15th-century Palazzo Madama the Italian Senate’s historic residence is one of many recent rebellious acts also carried out by the same eco-activist group Ultima Generazione. The group said in a statement earlier this year “Behind the act [is] the desperation stemming from the continual issuing of ever more alarming statistics and data on the eco-climate collapse.” The statement was given after the group sprayed graffiti on the historic building. Cleaning this building cost the government $44000.

According to the Minister of Culture Sangiuliano "The attacks on monuments and artistic sites produce economic damage to all” and he added “To clean it up the intervention of highly specialized personnel and the use of very costly machines are needed. Whoever carries out these acts must assume the financial responsibility".

The proposed law will receive a final vote in the Italian Parliament within 60 days and it proposes that anyone who breaks the new law will have to pay a fine. It is expected to be passed in the Parliament since Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's right-wing government holds a majority in the legislature.

Eco-activists are not the only ones causing damage to Italy’s cultural sites of late. In an earlier incident a man drove across UNESCO's World Heritage Site the famous Spanish Steps located behind the iconic Barcaccia fountain in a rented Maserati causing considerable damage which cost $54649. Later two American tourists also damaged the steps with motorized scooters creating damage amounting to $27000.

The proposed law won't just apply to vandals but to anyone who abuses the monuments and cultural heritage of Italy Sangiuliano noted. It is intended that the law will not only help reduce acts of vandalism but also provide a sense of importance to these coveted sites. By imposing fines on those who damage cultural heritage Italy is hoping to instill a sense of responsibility among locals and tourists alike to appreciate and treat the national heritage with care and respect.

Those visiting Italy need to be aware of the rules governing how people should enjoy and treat the cultural treasures of Italy which has one of the most extensive collections of cultural and historical sites. In fact UNESCO has listed 53 Italian sites on its World Heritage list including the ancient city of Pompeii the historic center of Rome the Amalfi coastline and the ancient city of Venice.

In summary Italy wants to protect its historic and cultural heritage from vandalism. Its Council of Ministers has approved a bill proposing fines ranging from $11000 to $66000 for those who deface cultural heritage. Although the proposed law is directed at vandals it extends to anyone involved in abusing Italy's national treasures. The bill proposes that fines be paid and criminal charges enforced in some instances. The expectation is that the law will pass without any opposition and become effective within 60 days. It is hoped that this law will encourage a greater sense of responsibility in people for the conservation of Italy's historical and cultural heritage.